The Optimist vs. the Realist


It’s a battle for the ages that has confounded many teams, relationships, marriages, friendships and more! Some of it is ‘nature’ and some is ‘nurture’, but whether you tend to be optimistic or realistic, you must find the balance or risk ruining relationships.

The current pandemic has us all showing our true colors and finding ways to look for that silver lining, or tell everyone just how bad this whole thing could possibly get. 

But which is the better way to go? Optimism or realism? The answer is that we need to adopt a healthy measure of both. This week I dig into this phenomenon and discuss how being too heavy handed on either side can be destructive and send you on your way to losing trust and credibility, FAST. 

There has never been a better time to be more self aware in order to serve those depending on you more effectively. I don’t know how this crisis will finally end, but I DO know that how we walk through it will matter far into the future. (OK, so you got me, I’m a natural optimist 🙂)

I’m optimistic that you will find new ways to connect with those who matter most in these times and I’m optimistic that we will continue to walk this path together. 🙂

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