How to Accept and Embrace Business Pivots with Brian Kramer and a Little Help from Disney


It’s September…wait…what???? Yeah, we all feel the same way about the strangest collective summer we’ve ever had. But I hope that it wasn’t all lost for you. It certainly wasn’t for me. Sure, there was challenge after challenge. Exhaustion after exhaustion. However, even in the most challenging times, there can be good, solid innovation and growth. 

This week I have a great conversation with Brian Kramer, a student of leadership, innovation, and General Manager of Germain Toyota in Naples, FL. Brian is someone I’ve been connected with on LinkedIn but really got my attention with an article he wrote about the story of how the technology developed by the company Pixar was initially snubbed by old-school Disney animators. A mistake that cost BILLIONS.

We talk about innovation, leadership, and what it is to pursue excellence in your work. 

I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did and I hope it gives you a little more perspective on where you are in your own journey. 

Pursue Clarity.

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