A Very Important Survival Pyramid


This week after MANY epic production mistakes on my behalf, I managed to get a podcast recorded! (I explain more in the show). After two weeks of amazing best-selling authors for guests, Donald Miller and David Meerman Scott, I’m setting some time aside to talk with you about a pyramid-shaped tool called Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs that I believe can give us some clarity on how we are reacting to the current pandemic.

Our responses are always heavily influenced by our state of mind, and Maslow’s pyramid is like a quick reference guide for us. You see, the human brain will always default to “survival mode” when it is threatened. And guess what, this “survival mode” doesn’t lean towards optimism.

All of the more enjoyable things in life, like dreaming about what could be and developing our skills and relationships happen “up” the pyramid. All the basics, like finding enough food and shelter are at the bottom. Which direction do you think living in a pandemic drives you? Down. Maybe WAY down. 

The truth is, if you are reading this, or listening to podcasts, you aren’t even close to the bottom, but your brain might be causing you to react and respond like you are. Hopefully spending a few minutes together will give you a little more perspective and clarity about what’s actually going on. 

I hope you have a great week moving your way UP the pyramid!

Pursue Clarity.

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