Who is Stressed Out?


Easy answer here; EVERYONE is stressed out.

  • Our routines have changed. 

  • Our plans have changed. 

  • Our sense of security has changed. 

  • Our parenting responsibilities have changed.  

  • Our work situation has changed.

  • Our LIVES have changed. 

So what are WE going to do about it? The way I see it, we have two options: Choose to be a victim to our circumstances OR choose to take control back. You probably know what I’m going to say…YOU GET TO CHOOSE!

I recorded this episode to preach to myself because I need to hear it lest I fall into the bottomless pit of the victim mindset. I am not a victim. You are not a victim. 

I hope this episode helps you take responsibility for your own feelings and make GOOD choices this week. 

Pursue Clarity.

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