That's Not Fair


Clarity Fam,

If you spent any time around young children, you are sure to hear the phrase, "That's not fair!" before long. The concept of "fair" is one that everyone wants to a point. This is especially true in sports. Without enforced rules, the game becomes less fun for everyone. However, over-focusing on 'fairness' is the quickest way to lose in so many areas of life.

The truth is that most of life isn't fair and will never be fair. This is why my wife, Sara, and I raise our kids to never use that phrase. Someone else is always smarter. Someone else is taller. Someone else has a friend in the industry to mentor them. Someone else is naturally more charismatic. Someone else has a better voice. I could go on forever.

This week I dig into the concept of 'fairness' and offer my thoughts on why I believe individuals should focus on it less.

Pursue Clarity,