4 Years Down. Just Getting Started.


Clarity Fam, 

Four years ago I released Episode One of the Clarity Compressed Podcast. Actually in the early days, it was called “Dealers Compressed” and it was a fully produced spot. The intention was to release 10 Episodes of series created around a book called “Like I See It” by my (now) good friend, Dale Pollak. 

Then I just kept going. Every week. For 208 weeks.

I’ve had the honor to interview so many amazing people. Entrepreneurs, New York Times Best Sellers, Navy Seals, Influencers with millions of followers, Millionaires, Billionaires, and even my therapist. 

All of these episodes in pursuit of what I call CLARITY. The perspective of knowing where I am on the map, so I can better plot the course to where I want to go. 

It’s just appropriate that I didn’t even realize that this week was the four year anniversary until I remembered I needed to record the episode for this week as I was shoveling the entrance to my office building…alone. 

That is what growth is like. It seems like its just plodding along and then all of a sudden, its four years later and you realize how much you’ve changed, hopefully for the better. 

SO many good things have come into my life. So many of those are because I decided to start a podcast. 

I don’t now how many weeks I’ll do this podcast for, but I know I’ll release one THIS week. 

What I DO know, is that I’m grateful to be on the journey WITH you. Thank you. 

Let’s keep pursuing CLARITY together, 


PS: I’ve just started another company and we have a killer daily email…you can check it out by subscribing at www.asotu.com. We also have a fun and easy referral game where you win swag I co-designed by sharing the email. I hope to see you over there!