Longer Legacy Than You Realize


Starting off with a question this week: How much do you know about those in your family who lived 100+ years ago? The vast majority of us will answer, “Not much.” And even those who know something about them, only know some facts and dates. Perhaps some stories have been passed down and maybe those stories have grown in scope every time they are told. But most or maybe ALL of the nuance has been lost forever.

That ☝️ will never be the case again. Our great, great, great, great grandkids will know EXACTLY who we were because of social media, the ease of capturing content, and even podcasts like this. 

With every post, every comment, every video, we are speaking to generations in the future and giving them something to aspire to, be proud of, and handing over the torch. OR, we are giving them things to run from, be ashamed of, and things they may even want to bury. They will know how we acted, what our demeanor was like day in, day out, our perspective on world events and how we treated the world around us? How did we dress? Did we have an accent? Was there kindness in our delivery? Was there fire in our eyes?

We are speaking to our legacy everyday, in ways that history has never seen. 

The real question is, are we being good stewards of that gift?

May we continue to speak CLARITY and TRUTH into those who are carrying our legacies…


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