What's Better: BTS or the Actual Show?


I made this post on LinkedIn last week asking if my community prefers watching the Behind the Scenes or the actual production better. Although some people tried to cheat and say “both”, the overwhelming response was the BTS content. 

I agree. Most of life is lived BTS. We can polish up, filter up, and fire up that ‘movie magic’ whenever we want these days. But everyone knows that any success you see has come by way of countless hours, days, and years of hard work, sleepless nights, and uncertainty. THAT is where the real story is. 

So this week I wanted to share this BTS from the last live event I put on in November of 2020 in Philly. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did making it and living through the uncertainty and excitement. 

In the end, the goal is the road. 

Pursue Clarity,


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