Paul J Daly

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How Sales vs. Religion Matters To You

I don’t know about you, but dare I say the world is starting to feel a little more connected again. Not “zoom life” but in real life. Regardless of where you live, people are starting to “move about the cabin” more and that is leading to more connection on a human level. 

This week I’m talking to those of you who run a business, freelance, or maybe are trying to find a new job or career. Basically, you are trying to convince someone to make a certain decision. Selling.

Although getting someone to say “yes” is important in the moment, I believe that connecting in a deeper, more lasting way leads to far more success, contentment, and builds significantly better relationships. 

The best relationships become a part of who a person is, what they believe, and how they act which is why I use the metaphor of “religion.” I get into the nuances in this quick episode. 

I hope the few minutes you spend here will give you massive ROI in perspective and action. May we walk forward doing much more than simply selling this week. 

Pursue Clarity,


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How Sales vs. Religion Matters To You Paul J Daly